5 - Mentorship

"Success leaves clues" AND "success loves speed". Intrigued? We'd like to think so! In today's episode, Heidi is chatting about something that is so critical to everyone in the professional world, whether an entrepreneur or working for a small or large organization, and that is mentorship. Heidi really delivers so many gems in this episode as she talks about being both a mentor and a mentee, two journeys that are life-long. From birth until our last breath, we have the opportunity to partake in the benefits of being both mentored (by many different people, in many different ways and times in our lives), to being mentors to others, one of the greatest gifts you can give. There is such pride in both journeys, and it builds such trust, for you in yourself, and for you in other people. No matter your profession, age, or situation you currently find yourself in life, you can be a mentor, and a mentee! Take a quick audio break and listen for the beauty of the mentorship path; how to be one, and how to look for one! And enjoy!

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